"Playing Love," a short film tribute to a masterpiece of Alessandro Baricco's narrative, directed by Giuseppe Tornatore and with music by Ennio Morricone: "The Legend of 1900." To create this, an in-depth script study was needed to adapt the famous piece "Playing Love," performed and rearranged specifically, to the various shooting sequences, reimagining the final scene of the film as an evocative memory. Modeling, rigging, texturing, and animation were all done using Blender 3D, in an attempt to blend art and 3D.
Note: The video resolution is reduced to 720p
Have you ever dreamed of dropping everything and running away? A short film dedicated to those who have learned to live at their own pace, forgetting about anxiety and frenzy.
"A story of Langa and Music, of life and beauty."
A piece by Walter Porro, dedicated to the famous Fenoglio-inspired inn in the town of San Benedetto Belbo.
"You're not really screwed as long as you have a good story to tell."
A short film tribute to the masterpiece of literature by Alessandro Baricco, the direction of Giuseppe Tornatore, and the music of Ennio Morricone.
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Have you ever dreamed of dropping everything and running away? A short film dedicated to those who have learned to live at their own pace, forgetting about anxiety and frenzy.
"A story of Langa and Music, of life and beauty."
A piece by Walter Porro, dedicated to the famous Fenoglio-inspired inn in the town of San Benedetto Belbo.
"You're not really screwed as long as you have a good story to tell."
A short film tribute to the masterpiece of literature by Alessandro Baricco, the direction of Giuseppe Tornatore, and the music of Ennio Morricone.
It looks like you've reached the end of the list! Thank you for watching!New projects are coming soon...